Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ten on tuesday

1. We are watching elf not for the first time this christmas. It is hilarious!

2. I enjoy your input/comments on my blog! Glad you all have had similar dream experiences. Dad has been in one of my dreams also. We were all at the farm chatting around the kitchen table, and he just came home in his overalls from a day of work. Just seemed like he was telling us he was okay.

3. I still dream in our old farmhouse. Never had a dream in the Piedmont house. How weird is that.

4. We had a calzone for dinner tonight which madie thoroughly enjoyed. She said this pizza guy brought really good pizza. She also asks whose bringing dinner tonight instead of what are you cooking.

5. Merry christmas! Sonic and paco were supposed to be down here, but they added up top.

6. We don't have many fun ornaments, bulbs mainly. So I took to a habit my mom has of putting the christmas cards in between the branches on the trees to add umph. I like it.

7. I too love christmas cards!

8. I am fond of Zooey Deschanel's voice and have been meaning to pick up her christmas album. I do have Jami Smith's album, and I like her year round.

9. We get monday off work. Woot woot!

10. Cute kid story: my sister jaclyn's middle kid lauren is 3. She has taken to "reading" lately, looking at picutres and making stuff up, which is the best kind of reading for a 3 year old. She had a book with a cat who was strangely not dressed in the beginning but put on clothes for his first day of school. Lauren read, hmm...where are my clothes. turn page. oh look i found my clothes! She's very observant little 3 year old. I mean really, be consistent illustrator. clothes or no clothes. Humans don't decide they're optional, cats don't either. am i right?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Mondays...not my favorite

Had Gramma for a visit today. Her latest eeg showed an abnormality indicative of seizures. She had been on keppra but quit taking it herself. They are starting her on lyrica. She just wants to drive. The dr's office told her the law says 6 months seizure free is the requirement before she can drive. Really, she is going nuts, but she does not need to be driving!

Finished a creepy book last night called the night strangers and starting one today called the strangers on montagu street. Lots of strangers.

My friend Justin that passed away was in my dreams last night. He has come to me in my dreams before. The first time, I knew something was wrong. He was afraid, and I was afraid, and I woke up with this horrible feeling. Before when people have come to me in my dreams, it seemed like they were telling me they were okay, and this felt like he was telling me he was not. I talked to my friend Christopher at work whose mom is very into dream meanings, and she thought it meant he was having a hard time transitioning. So, I prayed for him. A lot. Then a while later, he was in another dream. Out of place. He opened a door where there shouldn't have been a door and waved at me, which seemed like he was okay. Last night, I was having this dream where I was working in a chaotic daycare trying to keep children under control (sounds like a nightmare, right) and he just appeared in this chair and smiled at me. I hope that means he's okay. We were good buds in high school but had only kept in touch through face book since then. It almost surprises me he's been in my dreams, but I'm glad he has. You may think I'm a fruit loop, but it's not the first time someone who has passed on has been in my dreams. Maybe I am a fruit loop, who knows! Weirdly enough, these people never speak.

Friday, December 16, 2011

I'm exhausted, but I feel the need to blog so you know I'm alive.

It is really hard for me to capitalize. Autocorrect has ruined my life. It also makes me say stupid things in texts.

It has been a long week, and I love weekends.

Mom watched Madie today. She got to take a pretend ride on dad's new tractor in the garage. I don't know how he backed it into the garage without hitting anything. I tend to hit things when I back up. He is pretty pumped about this new toy. It has been a long time in the making, because he doesn't like to spend money.

We did get the christmas tree up this week. It's about time!

Congrats Abbey on the new life you're growing.

We are so going to bed early.

Got the new pics up on facebook and christmas cards out!

more later
jessica out

Monday, December 5, 2011

kash eugene

At some point in high school, I got my own Jingle Boy. I was with the fro, and I think we got him at hallmark. I also think Emily was there and got one as well. Madie discovered him at my mothers house in the toys, and brought him home. He is now her favorite. She decided to name him Kash Eugene. Eugene is Brandon's middle name. Kash, she just liked. She doesn't know how to spell yet, but we all know i have an affinity for K's. He's our new lil buddy! Hooray!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

oh sunday

i went to the parade of homes today with my friend liz in mesta park. the first house was my favorite. it was a 3 story built in 1908 that was old timey and cozy.

i then went to target, had a cartful, and to my dismay not my debit card. crap. i then left my prescriptions which were paid for behind, like a real dullard. i called and am picking them back up tomorrow. hells bells

i am really getting frustrated with work and am thinking hard about a new position. still in the thinking phase at this point. there was a christmas party saturday night which consisted of a lot of people drinking heavily and me leaving before all hell broke loose.

madie had her picture with santa at the piedmont bank saturday

i was doing all the laundry today which seemed like three times the normal amount that piles up in a a week, and i ran out of soap. blast! i'm too embarrassed to go back to target at this point. well, it will still be dirty tomorrow.

OH! i got bit by quite a large german sheperd-wolf mix (per the owner) by one of my patients dogs this week. i have a black eye, can you believe it! luckily, it didn't break the skin, so all is well.

when and how did chuck norris become cool and invincible? i remember my dad watching walker, texas ranger and thinking he was terribly cheesy.

i did get the house clean today.

we do not have any christmas decorations up. can you believe it? we have a tree and a nativity scene, so it's not a huge task. i'm declaring it done next week, although i want to add some eclectic items to my nativity scene, so i'm going to hit a thrift store, taking after mom blakley.

well, i'm going to rummage up something to eat. jessica out.