Sunday, May 22, 2011

ten on tuesday, ya whatever

1. we hit a milestone with madie this week. she stuck a bead in her ear, and i mean stuck. after a traumatizing trip to the er she had to be put under, and it was finally removed. she is now fine, and hopefully a lesson was learned by all.

2. i am sad i missed audi's trip home and all the family time, but i didn't want to infect anyone with my illness. boo.

3. i did some deep cleaning last night, and i'm feeling quite good about the condition of my house. i had a migraine and slept all day, so it was good entertainment for staying up all night.

4. not exactly looking forward to the work week tomorrow. good news, off next monday for memorial day. woot woot

5. i want one of those tempur pedic beds that move around like hospital beds. i like those. too bad they're hella expensive.

6. i cannot get brandon to put his socks in a laundry basket to save my life. i swear. i find them all over the house including 1 cm away from a basket. seriously? what is up with that?

7. i'm reading a really good book right now called the forgotten garden by kate morton. just finished vixen by jillian something or another and have several more lined up including lies chelsea handler told me.

8. we watched gnomeo and juliet, super cute. elton john music. loved it. the pink flamingo was my favorite.

9. i got a leg cramp yesterday, the kind where your toes contract, and you can't get it to stop, beefing up on the potassium.

10. have a good week everyone!