Saturday, August 6, 2011

Photos from vaca...more detailed post of vaca to come...

Brandon trying to put his shoes on without getting his feet wet lol
brandon campbell hearts jessica lehman
Madie and me
madie and daddy
hey, the sun's in my eyes!
I think this is quite precious. Madie's first trip to the ocean.

The ocean in Galveston
Daddy and Madie getting ready for some seafood
I wish I knew how to rotate this.


  1. wish i knew how to rotate the pics for you all. i have a long post i plan on adding soon!

  2. You can't rotate them once they are uploaded, you have to fix them somewhere else...although once I had one that refused to be rotated anywhere so I posted it sideways. Looks like you guys had a blasty blast! Don't you love the ocean!
