Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ten on Tuesday...actually on Tuesday!

1. Me: Madie, is it tuesday?
Madie: What, wednesday?
Me: No, I think it's tuesday.

Now, I know what it's like to lose your mind. Like I didn't before. Now I know in a different way. There ya go.

2. Got Madie " Wherever you are, my love will find you". Nancy Tillman books are $5 at kohls. Bargain on awesome books!

3. Last week at work was very trying. Fro got the whole story, but basically my boss is a tool. Job Search 2011 commence! She basically told me, me being depressed was going to push her over the edge. My friend Liz put it best when she said, "since when is perkiness a job requirement? you don't work at the gap!". I also found something on facebook this week which seemed appropriate, "i am who i am, your approval isn't needed".

4. Tonight in kohls, madie and I walked through the bra/underwear to get somewhere else, and she laughed hysterically through the entire department which made me laugh hysterically. All together good fun.

5. Going to dinner with the girls i graduated nursing school with tomorrow night. That should be fun.

6. I skipped yoga tonight, but I went last week, and I thoroughly enjoy it. I find it very relaxing and spiritual and not at all like exercise.

7. I"m reading "the story of beautiful girl". i just started it, and it's already very good.

8. Brandon's brother and his girlfriend and their kids came up last friday. We went to dinner with his mother minus brandon, because he had to work, which was okay. His mom isn't my favorite, but it went fine. Then Anthony (bro) and fam stayed the night. The kids had fun, and Brandon got to see his bro when he got off work. That worked out well. His bro is okay.

9. I told madie in the car earlier tonight her dad would flip is lid if she had a boyfriend, and she just repeated me verbatim. It's funny when a 4 year old says "flip his lid". Coincidentally, it's also funny when my gramma bales says it. She said it about my aunt sharon once.

10. Gramma Lehman doing better. She's in rehab at mercy trying to get stronger.

Bonus #11. I LOVE the cold front! It finally feels like fall! My favorite! too many explanation points? Probably, but I am really pumped!

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