Sunday, October 2, 2011

October is my favorite month, but oct 1 this year was a real bummer. We had a family friend from down at the farm die in a tragic car accident.!/note.php?note_id=10150402698820407 Tim Lowry was a sheriffs deputy for Pottawatomie county. He was on his way back from issuing warrants with his partner when they topped a hill and a semi was making an illegal turn. They collided, and that was it.

Gramma continues to have episodes where she cannot get her words out. The tests come back normal. They are unsure if it's tia's, seizures, or medication side effects......they are guessing and doing their best at treating. So far, the guessing game isn't going great. I do think the dr she has is a good dr, and is really trying. It's just a tough situation.

Sorry for the debbie downer. Just wanted to keep you updated.


  1. Knowing things like that can happen at any moment should lead us to savor every moment, every smile, the colors of nature and the laughter of friends; savor them deeply because this one moment is all we really have. Live in the now and do not hold back words of praise, encouragement or blessing. So sorry for your loss. Take care my dear and hug that lovely girl of yours for me.
