Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

So, I've decided to do a completely positive ten on tuesday, things that make me happy, happy thoughts, good things. we all need this.

1. I discovered on Sunday just how much I love the Blakley grandchildren. My sisters children are just not as well behaved as Brendan and Maggie. I'll leave it at that since this is a positive post. I love Brendan. He's the coolest little 3 year old I've probably ever met, and I worked at a daycare, so I've probably met quite a few 3 year olds. I don't remember. Anyways, B is so funny. He cracks me up. He's quite adorable, and amazingly rationale and smart. Maggie is the cutest. It was so hard for me not to aggressively pinch her cheeks. she has the most energy and she's so inquisitive. She wants to know what everything is, mostly by putting it in her mouth and seeing what it tastes like. I love all her little rolls. Zaney is the cutest. He makes everyone happy just by holding him. I can't do that. Who do you know who can do that? probably only Zane!

2. i love those automatic grammar and capitalizers in typing programs. the blogger doesn't have one. i am not checking my stuff from here on. just correct it in your head.

3. i like t.v. quite a bit. i watch a lot of it. it's on right now.

4. i like to sleep. i do that quite a bit also. if i had mag's energy, that would rock.

5. i love to read. i am always reading something. i am never not in the middle of a book. sometimes i read slower than others, hence i am still in water for elephants, but it's good and i'm about half way through. i've got several others lined up for when i'm done.

6. i like to eat. that's a given. hello! i love food. good food, bad food, food that's bad for you but not so much food that's good for you. not as good. my favorite is angel hair pasta. that's easy, but i can't cook, so i also love people who cook.

7. i love my grandparents. they are so freakin awesome. they got me through my youth (along with the fro and jalynn). they lived pretty cool lives. they have their very funny moments, and i learn something new about them every time i see them.

8. i like comedy. sense of humor. one of carly's (jalynn's daughter) teachers put this on a student's paper, which cracked me up last week. dear student, i noticed you love semi-colons. they will only break your heart; stop using them so much. love, your teacher.

9. i love my dog. like a child. it's probably unhealthy, but i also love therapy. i do. it is so healthy, and it keeps me sane, and i like art therapy and music therapy and guided imagery, and it has made me such a less angry bitter person. phew, i had a lot of pent up anger, but thank you therapy!

10. i love the blakleys. what what! um, my family is crazy. i have always said, my parents aren't bad people, but they were not good parents. that is putting it nicely. God put the fro in my life around 1999, and the blakleys scooped me up and have been there for me ever since. i have said since then, that the blakelys were my people. they have been there for me more than my blood family, and i don't know what i would do without them. it's the truth.

1 comment:

  1. Ah Jess, we love you! You rock on so many levels. We couldn't do it or done what we've done these last few weeks without you. B was just talking about you and Anna today. I'm glad you love our kids as we love you!
