Sunday, July 24, 2011

some for sunday

1. I should def be asleep.

2. I have an appt with the ear nose throat guy in the am because, oddly, there is a hole in my nasal septum. Find out more tomorrow. I have always liked my nose, so i hope this won't cause it any harm.

3. Had a good weekend. Chilled friday. Ran around with liz saturday, had frozen yogurt and went to bookstores. Very nice then watched a movie with brandon.

4. Still haven't seen the new harry potter which i am excited for.

5. My head is hurting. Boo. Prob a sign I need to sleep.

6. I miss you all very much. Very much.

1 comment:

  1. Well, hey, good to see you back on the blog. I've been wondering what was going on. You need some antibiotics my dear. What is it with people in the medical prof. who will not go get their meds. The rest of us are hypochondriacs and loving it. Get better dear. Love ya.
