Tuesday, March 29, 2011

things that make me feel old

so lately several things have made me feel quite "old".

mostly, i think it's the fact that i work with an 18 year old office assistant (who i love and is quite cute and funny) who doesn't know anything from the 80s exists and much of the early 90s as well. we educate her on a daily basis with a lot of assistance from youtube and it always results in hilarity.

i use eyecream for fine lines and dark circles. effective but also contributes to the feeling of oldness.

i am the person who calls in the neighbors for thumping their music and no longer the neighbor thumping said music.

my age is 28. i'm ten years older than the 18 year old at work. i'm closer to 30 than i've ever been.

i have aches and pains i didn't used to. my right knee has been achey lately and never has been before. my right toe aches sometimes which makes me wonder if i have gout, and then i think oh really, gout you're 28 not 68, but i'm also somewhat of a self diagnoser, but i digress.

i prefer older music to the the most recent releases. i like the 90s music over the music of today, the music of my youth.

i am not very social, and i am totally okay with it. when i was younger, i wanted to be doing something constantly. now, i am more content with a book, the t.v., my dog etc...

i'm tired a lot. more than i'm not. i don't remember being this tired at 18. when i was a freshman in college, i could stay up til 4am then get up at 9 and go to class. i would drop dead with less than 8 hours of sleep at this point in my life (which also leads me to believe having an infant would be less than desirable, but again, i digress).

i have some fond memories of my younger days that i reminisce on, books i read, time with my grandparents, time on the farm growing up etc...but i am reminiscing, that's the main point. old people reminisce.

there are more i'm sure. i've just been little things here and there a lot lately. it doesn't really bother me as i look foward to being super old like 80 and crabby, kicking it in the nursing home doing whatever i want and getting away with it because i'm old like granny eddings did. just something i've picked up on frequently.


  1. Twenty eight? You know that I am MORE THAN twice as old as you are, don't you? God. If you are getting old (older, I know) then I am fast approaching ancient. I must say, in all honesty, sometimes it feels like that is the actual case. In which case, what does that make my dad who is twenty seven years older than I? He, by the way (as a possible example to both of us) never complains about anything....except young people playing their music too loudly, driving too fast and getting up too late.

  2. oh grampa dotter, what an adorable dude. i'll take that example mom. i know i'm not actually old, i just noticed a few things lately that make me feel older than i ever have before.
