Saturday, April 16, 2011

debbie downer

i hope this isn't too much with the last post and this one, but i need prayers for my grampa bales. he has parkinsons and is deteriorating much quicker than i thought he would. he didn't remember my name today, and obviously, i am his favorite "kid". he calls all of us his kids, but i have won the title of favorite, and he didn't remember my name. i love him so much, it's hard to watch him deteriorate.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

i found this

St Gemma -The Patron Saint

my worthless back

i had another steroid injection in my back today. it began hurting again about 3 weeks ago. the second discectomy was exactly a year ago tomorrow. epic failure. i don't instill much faith in the steroid injection just because my back is so complicated at this point, but they want to start back at the beginning. aces. i am slightly bitter that a lame-o drunk driver ruined my back, and i'm 28. seriously? i'm working on forgiveness as always.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I missed ten on tuesday and don't have anything catchy for a name. i'm going to blame my lack of cleverness on being so bloody tired. yes, that will do.

1. i am bloody tired. i contribute it to pain medicine at this point. i get a steroid injection in my back thursday. pray it helps long term, because that would be great. until then, i have pain pills for when i'm home and able to get retarded and they do get you retarded. frankly, it's probably not responsible to be blogging right now.

2. i love facebook. i found a bunch of old classmates from maud on there including tombo. let me tell you about the tombos! God bless this litlle family. their real name was the burnetts and they had a son in my grade named thomas who went by tombo. we tended to refer to the entire family as the tombos. they were very poor to the point that bless their heart he was the smelly kid because they didn't have running water. it was maud, stay with me. anyways, i always wondered what happened to him because dad told me they moved off the tombo hill and the whitefields live there now. i wanted good things for tombo because he was in such a negative situation he didn't even have a chance, and i have wondered did he getout, did he get a job i found him on facebook and added him and sent him a message and i am anxiously awaiting a reply!!!

3. sorry if that was the longest run on sentence ever. i'm not complying with the rules of grammar tonight.

4. brandon and i were going to have date night last night when he got off work which usually involves us flying to the late movie, but there weren't any good ones playing so, we just stayed up all night instead. we talked, laughed, played jeopardy and didn't do half bad. it was a stay at home date night, but it was fun.

5. well, i'm just gonna do 5 tonight, because i feel somewhat retarded from this pain med. it requires i go lay very still. holla