seems like everyone is doing ten on tuesday so i'll jump on board since i haven't blogged in a while.
1. i love you fro, and i'm glad you lived through today even if only barely.
2. i am off work tomorrow which rules. i was on call last week which did not rule, so i get a day off this week. woohoo! i don't know what i'm gonna do yet. leaning towards a whole lot of nothing though.
2. it felt like fall today which was awesome. it was so nice! it made me ready for october. i love october in it's fall weather and spooky nights and cheesy halloween movies. hocus pocus is my absolute fave.
4. i just noticed i labeled 3, 2 but i'm just gonna roll with it.
5. i talked to all of my immediate family tonight. dad was yelling at mom for cutting the watermelon wrong. i actually got mom to stand up for herself. jennifer cannot get her 2 year old to let anyone cut his hair so he looks like a hippie and jaclyn is going to name the new baby carolyn mae, but don't tell anyone else because she keeps forgetting to.
6. zach, are you following me yet? seriously. we're bff by marriage. do it.
7. i think i'm going to move into audra and zach's basement and become uncle david, because i miss them and because i'm doomed to be forever alone and miserable. not really. don't panic zachary.
8. gramma lehman said her brother, uncle j.b. had his surgery and went to check the garden the same day, so apparently it wasn't to serious but he is 95. her sister-in-law, aunt helen had her surgery which was more serious but is also okay. gramma and grampa bales are just kickin it.
9. i'm going to get together with some old college friends friday and help a high school friend with a fundraiser for the mental health center she works at saturday. looking foward to a busy weekend!
10. paco has to go outside. holla.